I am pleased to be your representative in Ottawa. I ask that you please take a few moments to learn about some of the ways that the Government of Canada is able to assist you. (Please click the link for more information on any of these services).
Your federal government can help you become a student and help you find employment. If you decide to open a business, or if you make your living in agriculture, we offer services that will make it easier for you to do so. If you are temporarily without a job, you can apply for Employment Insurance.
We can help you as you plan and prepare for retirement and we are here for our seniors. Or if you need help with immigration matters, we may be able to assist.
Your federal government works to keep you safe. If you want to take a trip, either in Canada or internationally, we suggest you start your planning with the Government of Canada.
We can help you with administrative matters, such as getting a passport or a Social Insurance Number. We also provide information that will help you understand and pay your taxes.
I encourage you to learn more about the Parliament of Canada, the Government of Canada, and your Prime Minister, and learn how we can be of assistance to you. Service Canada is another great place for more information on the services that your federal government can provide.
If you need assistance with a provincial government matter, please continue your search there. If you still need help, please contact me and I will do my best to assist.