Local community forum asks residents for their ideas to create jobs and economic growth in Palliser
As a result, the federal government is consulting widely with Canadians across the country for ideas on how best to create jobs and grow the economy in the next budget, while keeping taxes low and returning to balanced budgets in the medium term.
“I am a strong believer that the best idea to help the economy in the Palliser riding and across Canada is the result of talking to people directly about what works and getting their input,” remarked Mr. Boughen. “Indeed, many of the ideas we heard in these pre-budget meetings in past years have been directly reflected in the actual federal budget.”
In order to ensure that all Canadians can participate in pre-budget consultations, all residents of Palliser are invited to provide feedback at www.fin.gc.ca preferably before the end of January so that the government will be able to use the information while preparing the budget.